Friday, April 30, 2010


Dipping our front wheels in the Atlantic Ocean. We started on March 5 by dipping our back wheels in the Pacific Ocean.


  1. Congratulations! I've been following your ride since Jenn posted your blog on FB. What an incredible ride. How inspiring!

  2. Hi Lois,
    I followed all of the rider blogs on the Southern Tier. I really miss reading everyday and getting psyched for my summer trip to Oregon. I am a Woman Tours alumni, I rode the Glacier tour in 2008 and the Sun Valley tour last year. Linda was the chef on the Glacier tour, she is the best, isn't she?
    I am also a resident of the Delaware Valley, I live in a beautiful part of Bucks county called Perkasie. I ride alot, mostly in Bedminster and Tohickon townships. The riding is awesome. If you're ever looking to ride some long distances in a pretty place, let me know. My email is
    My older kids are all in their twenties, and my last is going to high school next year. Just thought I would touch base with another WT rider. I dream of doing the Southern Tier Tour after he graduates from high school.
    Enjoy the ride.... Maureen
