Thursday, April 8, 2010

Navasota to Cleveland TX 4-8-2010

Today was a great ride, 75 miles, most of it through the Sam Houston National Forest, great road surfaces, light traffic and a tail wind, bright sunshine, and 70 degrees. It was so great that my sister Linda went on an absolute tear and got in 2nd for the day. She completely left me in the dust during the first 10 miles. When I got to the first SAG stop at 20 miles the SAG driver said "your sister said to tell you you are on your own and she will not see you unless she has a flet tire." At 40 miles the SAG driver said "Linda is feeling guilty about leaving you behind, but she is still going ahead." At 60 miles the SAG driver said "She got to this stop before I did and did not wait." She got in an hour ahead of me. I have created a monster.

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